This page contains an index to all policies of the Colorado Medical Society. The title of each major section is a clickable link to the related policies.
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160. Drugs: Substitution
- 160.997 Substitution of Class B Generic Drugs
- 160.998 Generic Drug Substitution
- 160.999 Therapeutic and Pharmaceutical Substitution by Pharmacists
165. Emergency Medical Services
- 165.993 Emergency Health Information Exchange Mobile Internet “Push” Strategy
- 165.994 Registry of Physician Volunteers
- 165.995 Access to Emergency Services
- 165.996 Statewide Trauma System Development and Refinement
- 165.997 Continued Funding for Emergency Medical Services in Colorado
- 165.998 Pre-Hospital Triage Decisions
- 165.999 Availability of Emergency Transportation at High School Sports Events
170. Ethics
- 170.986 Stem Cells
- 170.987 Health Care as a Fundamental Societal Obligation
- 170.988 Stem Cell Research
- 170.989 Code of Medical Ethics
- 170.990 Patenting Human Genes
- 170.991 Gene Therapy
- 170.992 Human Cloning
- 170.993 Genetic Testing by Employers
- 170.994 Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Death
- 170.995 Grievance Reviews
- 170.996 The Physician-Patient Covenant
- 170.997 Corporate Practice of Medicine
- 170.998 Sexual Misconduct
- 170.999 Obligation to Report Impaired, Incompetent or Unethical Colleagues
175. Health Care Costs
- 175.995 Unleashing Market Transparency to Address Soaring Drug Prices
- 175.996 Choosing Wisely
- 175.997 Patient Tax Deduction for Health Care Expenses
- 175.998 Profiteering by Third Party Payers in Health Care
- 175.999 Cost Containment Programs and Intrusions from Third Party Payers
180. Health Care Delivery
- 180.985 Interference in Patient Counseling
- 180.986 Advertising Standards
- 180.987 Patient Safety
- 180.988 Accountability
- 180.989 Options for Delivery of Medical Care
- 180.990 Freedom of Practice in Medical Imaging
- 180.991 Electronic and Telephonic Communication Guidelines
- 180.992 Observation Care
- 180.993 Electronic Communication Guidelines
- 180.994 Use of Current Knowledge in Palliative Medicine
- 180.995 Termination of Physician/Patient Relationship Notification
- 180.996 Transition of Care for Patients with Special Needs and Circumstances
- 180.997 School-Based Health Centers
- 180.998 Encouragement of Physician Participation in Project USA
- 180.999 Vertical Divestiture in the Health Care System
185. Health Care System Reform
- 185.988 Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health Care
- 185.989 Practice Evolution Recommendations
- 185.991 Physician Practice Evolution
- 185.992 Joint Principles of the Patient-Centered Medical Home
- 185.993 Matrix Reform Plan
- 185.994 Health Care Reform Systems of Care
- 185.995 A Matrix Based Reform Plan Using A Non-Profit Approach
- 185.996 Health Systems Reform Evaluation Matrix
- 185.997 Individually Selected and Individually Owned Health Insurance
- 185.998 Health System Reform
- 185.999 Principles for Care of the Medically Indigent
190. Health Education
- 190.997 Character-based Sex Education in Schools
- 190.998 Journal Exchange
- 190.999 Medical Library
195. Health Insurance
- 195.997 Grace Periods: Policyholders Receiving Advance Payment Tax Credits
- 195.998 Regulation of Health Plan Network Activities
- 195.999 Informed Consent for Insurance Subscribers
200. Health Insurance Benefits and Coverage
- 200.996 Ensuring compliance with Substance Use Disorders Essential Health Benefits Provision of the
- 200.997 Consumer Comparative Data
- 200.998 Insurance Aspects of Comprehensive Pediatric Care
- 200.999 Reimbursement for Voluntary Home Treatment of Terminally Ill
205. Health Planning
- 205.995 Physician Signature on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Directives
- 205.996 Withholding or Withdrawing Life Sustaining Medical Treatment
- 205.997 Care of Dying Patients
- 205.998 Nursing Home Resident Destination Issues
- 205.999 Patient Wishes Regarding Medical Treatment