135. Continuing Medical Education

135.986 Mission Statement


The Colorado Medical Society adopts the mission statement contained in the CPEA Handbook for CME Educators, Accreditation Policies and Procedures, Revised 8/2011 and approved by the Committee on Professional Education and Accreditation. The CMS adopts the CMS CME mission statement revised 12/2012 and approved by the CME Committee.
(RES-70, AM 2003; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.987 Program of Recognized Intrastate CME Accreditor and CME Accredited Provider


The Colorado Medical Society (CMS) is committed to ensuring high-quality accredited continuing medical education (CME) for physicians. The CMS is recognized by the Accreditation Council For Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) as an accreditor of intrastate providers of CME. And, the CMS is accredited by the ACCME to provide CME for physicians. The Committee on Professional Education and Accreditation (CPEA) has the responsibility of maintaining and improving the recognized accreditor program on behalf of the CMS and in accordance with national standards established by the ACCME. The CME committee (separate from the CPEA) has responsibility for maintaining and improving the CMS CME program.
(RES-30, AM 1996; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.988 Financial Support of Accreditation Program


The Colorado Medical Society retains the responsibility for the CME programs and seeks to make it financially a self-supporting program.
(RES-46, AM 1993; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.989 Policies and Procedures


The Colorado Medical Society (CMS), the CPEA, and the CME Committee have adopted the ACCME national standards and policies. All providers accredited by the CMS must comply with the current standards and policies found in the CPEA Handbook for CME Educators, Accreditation Policies and Procedures, and all CME activities approved by the CMS must comply with ACCME national standards and policies.
(Motion of the Board, October 1991; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.990 Educational Programs of Other Organizations


The Colorado Medical Society (CMS) frequently receives requests from other organizations/institutions to joint sponsor educational activities directly or indirectly related to the broad field of medicine and health care. The CMS will consider joint sponsor requests on an individual activity basis subject to the review process of the CME office and CME committee.
(RES-1, AM 1991, Motion of the Board, July 2001; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.991 Endorsement of Outside Educational Programs


Any outside organization/institution desiring endorsement of its program by use of the Colorado Medical Society (CMS) name must submit its request to the Director for Continuing Medical Education for preliminary investigation after which the request shall be directed, as efficiently as possible, to the appropriate CMS committee or council for further recommendation, then to the Board of Directors for final approval/disapproval.
(RES-1, AM 1991; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.992 Committee on Professional Education and Accreditation


The Colorado Medical Society is the final authority for the accreditation of Colorado intrastate organizations/institutions that provide continuing medical education (CME). The Committee on Professional Education and Accreditation (CPEA) is responsible for the operation of the accreditation program. Each application for accreditation will be reviewed by the CPEA and actions of the CPEA are final, subject to appeal. The accreditation process and available types and duration of accreditation are described in the CPEA Handbook for CME Educators, Accreditation Policies and Procedures that is available, upon request, from the Department of Health Care Policy.
(RES-1, AM 1991; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.993 Access in Rural Communities


The Colorado Medical Society supports the efforts of rural physicians to access community-based accredited programs in continuing medical education.
(RES-1, AM 1991; Reaffirmed, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.994 Liaisons With Other Organizations


The Colorado Medical Society (CMS) maintains liaison on educational matters with organizations local, state and national that are concerned with continuing medical education. The CMS participates, when appropriate, in the educational activities of such national organizations as the American Medical Association, the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, the American Hospital Association, the Association for Hospital Medical Education, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions. The CMS also maintains similar relationships with such Colorado organizations as the Colorado Alliance for Continuing Medical Education, the Colorado Hospital Association, the State Departments of Education and Health, and the medical specialty societies; keeps informed concerning the medical education activities of community hospitals, component medical societies, medical groups and individuals; and works with and supports them when appropriate.
(RES-1, AM 1991; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.995 Issuance of Credit


In the state of Colorado, only organizations accredited by the Colorado Medical Society and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education are accredited to extend Category 1 Continuing Medical Education credit toward the American Medical Association Physicians Recognition Award to physicians. These organizations are responsible for maintaining records regarding physician attendance and credits earned.
(RES-1, AM 1991; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.996 Educational Support Services


  1. The Colorado Medical Society (CMS) provides or helps provide educational support services for physicians, as individuals or for continuing medical education programs.
  2. When requested, the CMS will assist accredited and non-accredited hospitals and specialty societies to develop or improve their continuing medical education programs (CME).
  3. When requested, the CMS will assist physicians who also teach in CME programs to improve their instructional techniques.
  4. The CMS sponsors conferences for Colorado continuing medical educators to provide systematic opportunities for them to improve the quality of their educational programs. Participants and speakers from other states, especially adjacent states, will be invited.
  5. The CMS encourages the dissemination of innovations in CME by sponsoring or supporting demonstrations of new educational techniques or technologies.

(RES-1, AM 1991; Reaffirmed, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.997 Voluntary Continuing Medical Education


(RES-1, AM 1991; Sunset, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.998 Medical Education in Colorado


It is Colorado Medical Society (CMS) policy to accredit qualified organizations to extend American Medical Association Physicians Recognition Award Category 1 Continuing Medical Education credit to physicians in order to improve the quality of medical education in Colorado and to improve health care in Colorado through education.
(RES-1, AM 1991; Reaffirmed, BOD-1, AM 2014)


135.999 Tour/Travel Continuing Medical Education


The Colorado Medical Society does not sponsor, endorse, or otherwise become involved with tour/travel continuing medical education programs, whether on a profit or non-profit basis.
(RES-44, AM 1987; Reaffirmed, BOD-1, AM 2014)
