925. Nomination, Election and Tenure

925.996 Campaign Reform


Colorado Medical Society assumes the responsibility for arranging a candidates’ reception at the annual meeting.
(RES-3, IM 1998; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


925.997 American Medical Association Delegation


Candidates for the positions of American Medical Association (AMA) Delegate and Alternate Delegate will present their viewpoints during the general membership meeting at the Colorado Medical Society (CMS) Annual Meeting. A forum will be held at the Annual Meeting for the CMS Delegation to the AMA to present issues and obtain input from members.
(RES-6, IM 1996; Revised, BOD-1, AM 2014)


925.998 Distribution of President-elect Resumes


(RES-3, IM 1992; Sunset, BOD-1, AM 2014)


925.999 Implied Resignation


A Delegate or Alternate Delegate to the American Medical Association (AMA) who misses two consecutive meetings of the AMA House of Delegates should be considered to have tendered his/her resignation.
(Motion of the Board, March 1988; Reaffirmed, BOD-1, AM 2014)
