265. Mental Health
265.998 Nondiscrimination in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Insurance Benefits
Similar to American Medical Association policy 185.986, the Colorado Medical Society (CMS) opposes discriminatory benefit limitations, referral mechanisms, co-payments or deductibles for the treatment of psychiatric illness and substance abuse under existing care plans, and opposes discrimination in any proposed plans for national health care coverage or universal access for the people who are uninsured. The CMS affirms its opposition to discriminatory benefit limitations, co-payments or deductibles for the treatment of psychiatric illness and substance abuse under any health care plan. The CMS supports parity of medical coverage for mental illnesses and substance abuse.
(Motion of the Board, March 2004; Reaffirmed, BOD-1, AM 2014)
265.999 Parity for Mental Health in Medical Benefits Programs
The Colorado Medical Society supports parity of medical coverage for mental illness and substance abuse and opposes discrimination in benefit limitations, referral mechanisms, co-payments or deductibles for the treatment of mental illness and substance abuse.
(RES-19, AM 2002; Reaffirmed, BOD-1, AM 2014)