305. Practice Parameters

305.998 Clinical Practice Guidelines


The Colorado Medical Society encourages the development of clinical practice guidelines that conform to the following principles:

  1. Clinical practice guidelines state that they are guidelines, not standards;
  2. Clinical practice guidelines be developed with the involvement of physicians who use them;
  3. Clinical practice guidelines include a rating scheme for strength of evidence, such as that published by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force;
  4. Clinical practice guidelines be periodically reviewed for conformance to best medical practice, based on reasonable medical evidence. Such review will occur no less often than every two years; and
  5. Clinical practice guidelines be distributed to those who might use them, and that any organization or individual making use of such a clinical practice guideline will use the guideline only for educational and/or quality improvement purposes.

(RES-1, AM 1999; Reaffirmed, BOD-1, AM 2014)


305.999 Guidelines for Use of Standards in Physician Office Assessment


(RES-58, AM 1996; Sunset, BOD-1, AM 2014)
