This page contains an index to all policies of the Colorado Medical Society. The title of each major section is a clickable link to the related policies.
Search Policy Manual
360. Violence and Abuse
- 360.996 Violence in Society
- 360.997 Colorado Medical Society Condemns Terrorism
- 360.998 Domestic Violence
- 360.999 Domestic Abuse
900. Administration and Organization
- 900.975 Spring Conference
- 900.976 Strategic Plan
- 900.977 Policy Manual
- 900.978 Investment Guidelines
- 900.979 Mileage Reimbursement
- 900.980 Funding Requests from Outside Entities
- 900.981 In-State Travel
- 900.982 Out-of-State Travel
- 900.983 Participation in the Provider Coalition
- 900.984 Conduct of Representatives of the Colorado Medical Society
- 900.985 Use of Dues Monies
- 900.986 Requests for Money, Time or Endorsements
- 900.987 Gender Neutrality
- 900.988 Exhibit Space
- 900.989 Guidelines for Financial Contributions, Co-Sponsorships and/or Endorsements
- 900.990 Relationship with the University of Colorado School of Medicine
- 900.991 Spending from the Reserve Fund
- 900.992 Antitrust Guidelines
- 900.993 Expense Report Submission
- 900.994 Registration Fees
- 900.995 Sources of Non-Dues Revenue
- 900.996 Budget Recommendations
- 900.997 Budget Information
- 900.998 Member Representatives
- 900.999 Evaluation of Chief Administrative Officer
905. Board of Directors
- 905.994 Medical Student Representation
- 905.995 Presentations to the Board of Directors
- 905.996 Attendance at Board of Directors Meetings
- 905.997 Proxy Voting by Members of the Board of Directors
- 905.998 Minutes of Board of Directors Meetings
- 905.999 Business of the Board of Directors
910. Councils and Committees
- 910.997 Meeting Attendance
- 910.998 Approval of Council Recommendations
- 910.999 Minutes of Council Meetings
920. Membership and Dues
- 920.996 Medical Student Support–Rocky Vista University
- 920.997 Medical Student Support
- 920.998 Processing of Membership Applications
- 920.999 Medical Society Jurisdiction
925. Nomination, Election and Tenure
- 925.996 Campaign Reform
- 925.997 American Medical Association Delegation
- 925.998 Distribution of President-elect Resumes
- 925.999 Implied Resignation
930. Political Action
- 930.996 Unified Position of Colorado Medical Society and its Component Medical Societies
- 930.997 Colorado Medical Society Leadership
- 930.998 Political Effectiveness
- 930.999 Support Priorities