Health System Reform

Efforts to reform the health care system intensified in 2017 with legislation focused on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. While federal reform efforts have stalled, the debate has generated sparked renewed calls to make the system work for Colorado and the nation.

Future federal health care reform, in whatever form it takes, requires ongoing physician participation and leadership to help reshape the broken health care system. CMS has pressed the case for health system reform in Colorado for years and we are committed to working with physicians and patients to find ways to improve cost effectiveness and quality of care for all Coloradans.

CMS continues to actively champion physician priorities with the Colorado congressional delegation and beyond. At CMS we strive to translate the seismic changes that are occurring across the systems and how they will affect the profession of medicine. The following links provide more information about recent activities:

Policy analyses

CMS member surveys

Colorado Health Policy Coalition letter - 6/22/2017 (CMS co-signed)

Other information

If you would like more information about health care reform then please contact Chet Seward in the CMS office.

Learn more

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