
Search Bylaws

This page contains an index to the bylaws of the Colorado Medical Society. The title of each major section is a clickable link to the related bylaw sections.

X. Elections
  • 1. Voting Eligibility
  • 2. Nominating Committee
  • 3. Elected Positions Requiring Member Vote
  • 4. Voting
  • 5. Voting by Electronic Ballot
  • 6. Challenges to Election
  • 7. Election Results are Final
  • 8. Vacancies
  • 9. Election

XII. Finances
  • 1. Fiscal Year and Annual Dues
  • 2. Termination of Membership
  • 3. Part Year Dues
  • 4. Appropriations Budget
  • 5. Special Assessments
  • 6. Expense Reimbursement

XIX. Amendments
  • 1. Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
  • 2. Amendment to Bylaws

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