Patient Safety and Professional Accountability

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2013 AMA Code of Medical Ethics: Physicians
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Each year, the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs writes opinions on a wide variety of ethical and professional issues that members face. These opinions become part of the Code of Medical Ethics, which serves as a contemporary guide for physicians who strive to practice ethically.
2013 AMA Code of Medical Ethics: Students
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Each year, the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs writes opinions on a wide variety of ethical and professional issues that members face. These opinions become part of the Code of Medical Ethics, which serves as a contemporary guide for physicians who strive to practice ethically.
AMA Declaration of Professional Responsibility: Medicine’s social contract with humanity
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Colorado Health and Safety Data Services
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Colorado Hospital Association: Quality and Patient Safety webpage
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Combating Prescription Drug Abuse and Diversion
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Facts: Prescription Drug Abuse in Colorado
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Making Health Care Safer II: An Updated Critical Analysis of the Evidence for Patient Safety
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In March 2013, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) published a report that identifies the best practices for improving patient safety in U.S. hospitals. It's an update to the 2001 publication "Making Health Care Safer: A Critical Analysis of Patient Safety Practices," and it reflects the increasing push toward patient safety.

Report from the 2012 Patient Safety Leadership Congress
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Ten Tips to Help Promote Patient Safety
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From the July 2013 issue of COPIScope
Think About It Colorado
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Think About it Colorado is a public awareness program designed to spark a statewide conversation about patient safety and to drive reform in this critical area. Our goal is to provide Colorado consumers and health care providers the information and resources they need to team up for safer health care.