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2013 AMA Code of Medical Ethics: Physicians
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Each year, the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs writes opinions on a wide variety of ethical and professional issues that members face. These opinions become part of the Code of Medical Ethics, which serves as a contemporary guide for physicians who strive to practice ethically.
2013 AMA Code of Medical Ethics: Students
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Each year, the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs writes opinions on a wide variety of ethical and professional issues that members face. These opinions become part of the Code of Medical Ethics, which serves as a contemporary guide for physicians who strive to practice ethically.
Accountable Care Organizations: AMA webpage
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AMA Advocacy Update: Aug. 21, 2013
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AMA Advocacy Update: Aug. 7, 2013
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AMA Advocacy Update: Sept. 4, 2013
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AMA Claims Workflow Assistant
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This free online tool from the AMA helps your practice secure accurate payment from health insurers for inappropriately denied claims, including those for workers’ compensation. Your practice can look up the reasons health insurers reported for denying claims on the electronic remittance advices (ERAs) your practice receives. After look-up, you can determine the best steps for your practice to address claim denials or non-payments. The tool also provides template appeal letters that AMA members can modify to use in their practices.

AMA Declaration of Professional Responsibility: Medicine’s social contract with humanity
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AMA Health Plan Complaint Form
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AMA Managed Care Contracting Webinar Series
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To help physicians meet the challenges of contracting activities in an environment where payment and delivery models are rapidly changing, the American Medical Association presents a webinar series on all aspects of managed care contracting—from contracting strategies, to billing and payment, to making the most of administrative automation. View the archived webinars and access related issue briefs through this link.

AMA Payment and Delivery Reform Webinars
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AMA responds to congressional committee on SGR proprosal
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The AMA responded to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee’s May 10, 2013, request for information on issues related to Medicare physician payment and delivery reform. The committee sought answers to questions about: (1) how to improve the accuracy of Medicare fee schedule payments; (2) ways to reduce unnecessary utilization; and (3) what incentives would encourage physicians to undertake structural, behavioral, and other changes needed to participate in alternative payment models. The request for information makes advocates optimistic that legislators are serious about eliminating the sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula.
AMA Wellness Toolkit: A Physician’s Guide to Personal Health
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Written for physicians by physicians and scientists, the AMA presents the Physician's Guide to Personal Health, a toolkit designed to help you take time for yourself and reflect on which steps—almost all of them obvious—you may need to take to live a healthy life and maintain resilience.

AMA’s ePrescribing Learning Center webpage
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Combating Prescription Drug Abuse and Diversion
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