Video: Making a Medical Neighborhood Happen

Wednesday, September 11, 2013 12:54 PM
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Colorado health care leaders are driving transformation. In this brief video, sponsored by the Colorado Regional Care Collaborative Organization (RCCO), they share their vision—and how they are working together to turn that vision into action.  Everyone featured in this video participated in Making a Medical Neighborhood Happen, a recent roundtable summit in Denver hosted by the Colorado RCCO Leadership Group.
Colorado’s health care community recognizes that comprehensive transformation is necessary to create better value in health care, at a lower cost to employers and individuals. In addition to the Medicaid Accountable Care Collaborative, groundbreaking Colorado programs include the Comprehensive Primary Care initiative, the Colorado Beacon Consortium, multiple Medicare ACOs, behavioral health integration, a health information network and data-sharing initiatives. Making a Medical Neighborhood Happen is an example of the statewide innovation that is possible through local leadership and community engagement.

Community leaders are fostering development of new skills, new tools and workforce resources. As this video demonstrates, Colorado is an innovation hub, testing approaches that are replicable in communities across the country.


Making a Medical Neighborhood Happen from Health2 Resources on Vimeo.



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