State of Health: Colorado’s Commitment to Becoming the Healthiest State

Wednesday, May 08, 2013 09:13 AM
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Bianca Pullen and Gov. John Hickenlooper
CMS board member Bianca Pullen, a medical student at the University of Colorado, attended the May 6 press event on behalf of CMS

The Colorado Medical Society announced full support for a work plan released by Gov. John Hickenlooper titled, “The State of Health: Colorado’s Commitment to Become the Healthiest State.” The governor formally released the plan at a press event on May 6.

The CMS Board of Directors reviewed the plan and voted at their meeting on Friday, May 3, to support the governor’s vision and actively participate in advancing the goals put forth in the plan. Over the coming months, CMS will educate members on the plan, provide resources on healthy living and ways physicians can participate in public and patient education, partner with other stakeholders, and encourage physicians to lead by example by living a healthy lifestyle.

Click here to access a PDF of the report

Click here to read a statement by CMS President Jan Kief, MD

Click here to read a CMS press release detailing our support

Click here to go to the Physician Wellness section of

Watch an excerpt from the May 6 press conference




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