Self-paced PCMH resources

Wednesday, April 03, 2013 02:15 PM
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The following is a list of self-paced resources you can use to learn more about becoming or linking to a patient-centered medical home. While not exhaustive, this list presents an excellent start for you to initiate your own journey toward patient-centered care.

  • AAFP Patient Centered Medical Home (free): The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has dedicated a section on their Web site to promote the patient-centered medical home. The site is organized along four core elements: practice organization, health information technology, quality measures and patient experience. It offers practical tools, articles and experiences highlighting the patient-centered medical home in action in family practice. The AAFP endorses and uses the NCQA PPC-PCMH standards and recognition criteria as the basis of their medical home materials. This site is available to the public at no charge.
  • AAFP Road to Recognition (free download to members): This guide was developed by the AAFP to help primary care physician practices choose the level of medical home recognition that they wish to achieve and determine which NCQA elements their practice will document to achieve that goal. The guide is intended as a suppplement to the NCQA Standards and Guidelines and the NCQA Survey Tool. Included in the Road to Recognition are examples of policies, templates for collecting and measuring data, and resources for completing elements not currently in place. This toolkit is available to AAFP members only.
  • Health TeamWorks NCQA PCMH Coach in a Box (free)
  • American College of Physicians (ACP) Medical Home Builder ($85 with membership): The ACP Medical Home Builder (MHB) provides affordable, accessible online guidance and resources for practices involved in incremental quality improvement changes - or significant transformation of their practices. This online tool will help practices assess their performance in 7 key areas and provide self-paced specific tools and resources based on an interactive interface (ACP Practice Biopsy). The ACP Medical Home Builder is available to individuals, residency training programs, IPAs and PCMH demonstration projects. ACP members may qualify for up to 7 AMA PRA Category 1 credits. $85 per physician.
  • TransforMed “Medical Home IQ” (free) - TransforMed created a quick questionnaire to allow practices to assess their practice current performance against their 9 core sets of competencies (or modules). Once a practice has completed the modules, the “IQ” test can also be used to compare their answers to against the NCQA PPC-PCMH standards.
  • TransforMed Delta Exchange ($30/mo) - The Delta Exchange brings together a community of healthcare professionals around tools and resources to help primary care practices transform to patient-centered medical homes using TranforMeds 9 modules. It’s a private online collaborative website where practices can ask questions, get access to tools and articles, exchange best practices and provides an online social networking platform. Cost to practices is $30 per month and billing is on a month-to-month basis.
  • Primary Care Development – Guide for Obtaining PPC-PCMH Recognition (free) - This step-by-step guide to apply for and obtain NCQA PPC-PCMH recognition, was created by the Primary Care Development Corporation, for safety net clinics. The purpose of the guide is to assist an organization in evaluating and developing the systems necessary in becoming a recognized patient centered medical home. The guide includes tools to evaluate organization capabilities in undertaking a project of this scope, including presentation templates, team roles, project timelines, links to articles & websites and quick references to NCQA PCMH criteria. This manual and all associated links are free to download.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics Medical Home Builder (free) - The American Academy of Pediatrics endorses an online toolkit to support pediatric practices in achieving NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home (NCQA PPC-PCMH) program requirements. The Medical Home toolkit provides guidance to practices in developing processes and improvements in 6 key practice areas (building blocks) to foster the integration of the medical home concepts into The AAP created a crosswalk between each of the NCQA PCMH program elements and the toolkit’s building blocks: Care Partnership Support, Clinical Care Information, Care Delivery Management, Resources & Linkages, Practice Performance Measurement and Payment & Finance. This online tool allows pediatric practices to evaluate their own performance through self-assessment and tracks progress in the 6 building blocks. Access to this website is free and available to registered users.
  • Colorado Children's Health Access Program - CHAP assists over 200 private pediatric and family practices (over 600 providers) in Colorado to provide medical home for children covered by Medicaid and CHP+.
  • The Roger C. Lipitz Center for Integrated Health Care at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and its partner organizations are providing technical assistance to practices that wish to become medical homes and to those seeking NCQA qualification to participate in the Medicare Medical Home Demonstration (MMHD). Four of these tools are available at no cost or low cost. The following services are free: Practice Readiness Self-Assessment, Guidance in Selecting Health Information Technology, Online Course “Practice Leaders in Medical Homes”, Online Nurse Course “Guided Care Nursing”. The following services are available at a modest cost: Implementation Manual for Adopting Guided Care ($), Webinars, Learning Collaboratives & Learning Communities ($). Webinars are available at a cost of $15 per module.
    Module 1: Assessing Readiness to Change into a Medical Home, by Mindi McKenna, PhD, MBA
    Module 2: Leading Change in Medical Homes, by Alan Lazaroff, MD
    Module 3: Health Information Technology in Medical Homes, by Chad Boult, MD, MPH, MBA
    Module 4: Interdisciplinary Teams in Medical Homes, by Ron Stock, MD, MA
    Module 5: Communicating with Patients of Medical Homes, by Danelle Cayea, MD, MS
    Module 6: Supporting Patient Self-Management within Medical Homes, by Margaret Gadon, MD, MPH
    Module 7: Care Management in Medical Homes, by Bruce Leff, MD
    Module 8: Continuity of Care for Patients of Medical Homes, by Cynthia Boyd, MD, MPH
    Module 9: Managing the Medical Home, by David Dorr, MD, MS



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