Report from the 2013 Regional Campaign and Grassroots Seminar

Thursday, October 17, 2013 01:35 PM
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CMS members, staff and guests gathered on Saturday, Oct. 12, for the 2013 Regional Campaign and Grassroots Seminar, a semi-annual work session on the art of advocacy hosted by the political action committees of the Colorado Medical Society, the American Medical Association and the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians.

Stephanie Vance

Stephanie Vance

Keynote speaker Stephanie Vance, also known as the “Advocacy Guru,” presented the rules of political engagement and lobbying, drawing specific tips and examples from her more than 20 years working in D.C. She stressed the importance of grassroots involvement, strategic messaging and ensuring that each advocacy goal is SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

Jim Wilson, PhD, the manager of political education programs for the AMA, spoke about fundraising as a way to influence who gets elected to office. “Even small donations add up. If you can create a culture of people getting involved - even at low levels - and you show them the results, you can make an important difference.”

Jeremy Lazarus, MD, immediate past president of the AMA, gave an update on federal issues and said he was “modestly optimistic” Congress will pass an SGR repeal this year. He encouraged all physicians to visit to add your voice to the debate and keep up the pressure.

State Sen. Irene Aguilar, MD, said we likely won’t see any bold moves in the upcoming legislative session following a preliminary gubernatorial election poll and the recalls of two state senators. But as assistant majority leader, she will be in a good position to influence legislation and she told attendees to consider her to be a resource.

Read more in the November/December issue of Colorado Medicine.



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