President’s letter: Moving forward with REV: Relationships, Evolution and Voice

Sunday, September 01, 2013 12:05 PM
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Jan Kief, MD

Jan Kief, President
Colorado Medical Society

As my year as president comes to an end, I wish to thank all of the CMS staff, Board of Directors and CMS members for their incredible support, dedication and engagement with the vast number of issues facing health care. From the deliberations in meetings, to the outreach around the state and nation, it has been an enlightening journey for me. 

The more we understand about the various stakeholders, entities, points of view and economics at play, the better we can help craft and promote solutions to improve the health of our communities in the future. I truly understand that the more we listen to others, the more we will be listened to. This not only applies to interactions with our patients, but with our colleagues, legislators and others interested in health and sustainability of our communities and health delivery systems. 

My theme this year was REV and “Keep Moving Forward.”  REV stood for the concepts of Relationships, Evolution and using our Voice. Little did I know how appropriate this would be as the year progressed. Relationships are the foundation of trust and that is how we get others to join us in making progress. We have stressed the importance of relationships with community, businesses, schools and especially our legislators. Being at the Capitol this year and testifying frequently in the health committees was such a rewarding experience. I urge you to have your legislators’ phone numbers on speed dial and keep up using the breakfast club concept to keep dialogue open. 

Evolution is the topic of the day in health care. We are scientists and must remember to seek evidence-based solutions to problems of the day instead of holding onto beliefs that may not be correct. Look at your data, keep moving forward and don’t be afraid to try solutions that may require “out of the box” thinking. Foster team thinking and support each other’s creativity; you never know where the best ideas will come from. I challenge you to learn something new each year. I learned to use Facebook and Linkedin, completed more online CME, and found new ways to interact in my community. 

Simple things done by many can have a great impact. Please register with the PDMP and take the Opioid Prescribing CME on Explore and the new opportunities. Join COMPAC and the AMA and volunteer for a committee at CMS! 

Never underestimate the power of your voice. You are highly educated and trusted.  Now is the time to find that issue that you are passionate about and make your voice heard. Talk to your colleagues and patients. Find one place in your community where you can use your voice to address a health issue in that community. Reach out to other health professionals; we really are on the same team and take advantage of strength in numbers. There are plenty of people who need our help. 

Finally, you cannot help others unless you are healthy yourself. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Make definite plans for your own wellness and keep your goals front of mind. Your family and patients will appreciate seeing you at your best. Reach out to a colleague who may feel isolated or be having difficulty; mentor a student or resident.

Truly enjoy medicine, the best career in the world! Again, thank you so much for your support and kindness during my presidency, and know I will continue to be active and continue to strive for the best health possible in our state and nation.



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