Opioid prescribing: Call to action

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 01:27 PM
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CMS BOD passes new policy

Misuse and abuse of opioids is having a devastating impact on patients, families and communities across Colorado. Individual physicians see firsthand the tragic effects of this crisis; the medical profession must now come together, working with patients and others, to help end this epidemic.

That is why the Colorado Medical Society (CMS) board of directors passed a policy at the July 2017 board meeting on opioid prescribing and treatment guidelines for emergency departments: "155.990 Opioid Prescribing and Treatment Guidelines for Emergency Departments". Click here to view the policy. 

CMS commends the Colorado Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians for their work to develop the 2017 Colorado Emergency Department Opioid Prescribing and Treatment Guidelines. CMS encourages all members -- especially emergency medicine physicians -- to review the CMS policy and integrate the CO-ACEP guidelines into daily practice. 

This is a complex issue and the guidelines should neither be considered a standard of care nor a replacement for clinical judgment. Determined, thoughtful steps by Colorado physicians can have lasting impacts.



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