New resource available: Connect for Health Colorado provider directory

Tuesday, December 31, 2013 08:08 AM
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Connect for Health Colorado has made available a new tool for physicians and patients: the provider directory. Anyone shopping for health insurance on the exchange website can search the directory for plans that include their physicians and preferred hospitals, helping to narrow the number of options to review and help maintain continuity of care.

Connect for Health Colorado asks providers to help communicate the availability of the directory to their patients as they shop for a new health plan for 2014.

Physician practices and health care facilities are also encouraged to go online to confirm in which plans they are listed as members. Insurance carriers update the information in the provider directory every month and send it to the exchange to post on the site, completely replacing the prior month’s data. Carriers are the only means of changing or correcting information in the directory. The exchange encourages physicians to work closely with them to correct any errors.

To check your information, follow these steps.

  1. From the home page, click on the “shop now” button under individual and families
  2. At top of page, click on “Find a Plan”
  3. Click on the second option on the page - “Browse health plans”
  4. Fill in the ZIP code and birth month/year of a typical patient
  5. Enter a provider name OR practice/facility name and click “Search”
  6. Confirm it’s the correct office/practice by clicking on the check mark where names are listed at top
  7. Select “go back to plans” at the top of the page and view the plans for which you or your facility are listed

Open enrollment on the marketplace extends through March 31, 2014, but Coloradoans had to sign up by Dec. 23, 2013 to enroll for coverage starting Jan. 1, 2014.

For more resources from the Colorado Medical Society, go to (member log-in required). Available is an on-demand webinar—What Physicians Need to Know About Connect for Health Colorado—as well as a comprehensive guide to the exchange.



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