New prescription drug fact sheet available

Thursday, January 23, 2014 02:50 PM
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In 2012, more than twice as many people in Colorado died from poisoning due to opioids than from drunk-driving related fatalities. This is just one fact from the newly updated Prescription Drug Abuse in Colorado fact sheet developed by Peer Assistance Services with support from the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention. Click here to view the fact sheet.

The Colorado Medical Society encourages all members to take advantage of education on prescription drug abuse developed by the Colorado School of Public Health. They present “The Opioid Crisis: Guidelines and Tools for Improving Chronic Pain Management,” an online, evidence-based professional development activity that examines best practices and universal precautions for treating chronic pain.

An accompanying toolkit includes resources for clinicians to use to help them manage chronic pain patients including sample patient questionnaires and contracts, assessment tools, applications for calculating morphine equivalent doses, and more.

Click here to go to to access the CME activity and the toolkit.



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