Maintenance of Licensure: Process taking shape under direction of CMS

Tuesday, May 07, 2013 01:34 PM
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JoAnne Wojak, Director, Continuing Medical Education

A blueprint for the maintenance of licensure process has been in development for several years, but Colorado physicians will soon begin to see the foundation take shape, as pilot projects kick off this summer.

Under the maintenance of licensure process, which will go into effect as early as 2019, licensed physicians will periodically provide evidence that they are participating in continuing professional development relevant to their area of practice. Board-certified physicians participating in a maintenance of certification program or an osteopathic continuous certification program will likely satisfy MOL requirements without additional action, and physicians working in non-clinical positions will have specialized pathways that account for their situation.

The Colorado Medical Society has partnered with the Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine, the Colorado Medical Board, the Federation of State Medical Boards, the National Board of Medical Examiners and the American Board of Medical Specialties to ensure the MOL process meets the needs of Colorado patients and physicians.

Throughout its development, all organizations have sought input from physicians on these new requirements and will continue to do so. Physicians who hold a license to practice medicine in Colorado should have received information in March about a survey on maintenance of licensure with their license renewal notification from the Department of Regulatory Agencies. CMS strongly encourages all members to complete the survey, as it will influence the various types of activities that could fulfill future MOL requirements. To access this important survey, go to

The organizers understand that physicians will have many questions moving forward. To help address initial questions, CMS has provided the following information.

Why is CMS leading the MOL effort?
As the primary organization speaking on behalf of Colorado physicians, CMS became involved to ensure the physician’s voice is heard. By leading the effort from the beginning, we hope to greatly influence the outcome.

Why pursue an MOL process?
The MOL initiative is part of a larger, widespread movement in health care aimed at increasing patient safety, quality outcomes and overall system improvement. MOL is an administratively simple and economical means to assure physicians can show their continuous development and meet increasing reporting demands and scrutiny.

Is MOL proven to increase patient safety and quality?
While CME research and data are limited, they do show that CME can be effective for improving physician knowledge, skills, behaviors and patient outcomes when it includes interactive formats and is relevant to the participant’s practice (AHRQ Effectiveness of CME 2007). Other studies and articles strongly support the need for a continuous life-long learning process that includes practice-based learning in order to be effective for patient outcomes. Physicians involved in practice-based learning review their own practice data, compare it to best evidence of care and then develop an improvement plan. A bibliography of extensive research on MOL can be found at

How will the MOL process work?
Physicians will report and periodically demonstrate compliance of practice-based learning, including current lifelong learning activities. There are three components: reflective self-assessment, assessment of knowledge and skills, and performance in practice. Unlike maintenance of certification, MOL will not culminate in a “high-stakes” examination.

How will MOL affect me?
The majority of Colorado physicians, specifically those already involved in maintenance of certification or osteopathic continuous certification, will not experience a significant increased burden of cost or time. Physicians who choose not to participate in the MOC or OCC continuous certification process will have to participate in the MOL process.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?
You may contact the Colorado Medical Society CME/MOL staff office, where many of your questions can most likely be answered. CMS has a subcommittee on MOL that meets periodically, and any member is welcome to attend those meetings. The office can provide information about the MOL meetings. Please feel free to call (720) 858-6309.



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