Health care innovation

Tuesday, January 24, 2017 10:33 AM
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Howard Krein, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, StartUp Health

StartUp Health Colorado to create innovation hub in the Rocky Mountain Region to support health transformers

StartUp Health Colorado, the second regional network affiliate of StartUp Health, launched in September 2016 to support and connect health innovation hubs around the state and the world. It will leverage three health institutions located on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus – Children’s Hospital Colorado, CU Anschutz and UCHealth – to create a health innovation hub in the Rocky Mountain Region for health entrepreneurs, “doctorpreneurs,” investors and industry stakeholders.

Over the first three years, StartUp Health Colorado will collaborate with each institution to develop a custom innovation portfolio and plans to build, validate and commercialize at least 30 innovative health startups. These startups will be selected based on their alignment with the needs of each institution and their patient populations.

“We are proud to see the launch of StartUp Health Colorado and welcome its global community of Health Transformers,” said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper. “We’re seeing innovators flock to Colorado because there’s no better region for entrepreneurs to invent and grow.”

“We’re excited to be a founding partner of StartUp Health Colorado along with other leading institutions in the area because together we can build one of the most advanced health innovation hubs in the U.S.,” said Gil Peri, senior vice president and chief strategy officer of Children’s Hospital Colorado. “Our vision is to speed up the pace of innovation by working collaboratively and to lead the way in supporting a generation of entrepreneurs and health practitioners to create meaningful solutions to help our patients.”

“UCHealth is not only focused on innovating the advanced care we provide patients but also how we provide that care,” said UCHealth Chief Innovation Officer Richard Zane, MD. “By partnering with StartUp Health and with entrepreneurs who are developing and creating new innovations and technologies, we can make medical care more efficient, safe, accessible and convenient for patients.”

“Colorado is emerging as a leading startup hub in the country,” said Kim Muller, director of CU Innovations at CU Anschutz. “StartUp Health is bringing their knowledge and experience of building early-stage health companies directly to the Rocky Mountain Region. We are confident that we will build long-lasting relationships and partnerships with the entrepreneurs based right here in Colorado.”

“This is truly a game-changing opportunity for health transformers,” said Steven Krein, co-founder and CEO of StartUp Health. “We’re excited to partner with the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and chose Colorado to expand StartUp Health because of the entrepreneurial spirit and health focus in the region. It’s entrepreneurs like Phillip Anschutz and leaders and creators like those at Children’s Hospital Colorado, CU Anschutz and UCHealth, who provide fuel for entrepreneurs to change the world.”

Entrepreneurs and startups selected to join StartUp Health Colorado will receive opportunities to help commercialize and grow their businesses. They will also be invited to StartUp Health Academy, a lifetime coaching program, and receive ongoing access to StartUp Health’s network of over 30,000 industry leaders, investors and entrepreneurs.

StartUp Health Colorado will co-locate with CU Innovations on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora and leverage StartUp Health’s global infrastructure and operations. StartUp Health Colorado will receive additional support and funding through the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade and the Advanced Accelerator Grant Program. Entrepreneurs interested in joining StartUp Health Colorado can learn more and apply at



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