Connect for Health Colorado: All claims must be billed directly to the insurer

Friday, March 28, 2014 07:39 AM
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Jan. 1 marked the start of health insurance for many Coloradans who previously were uncovered. Coloradans can still buy their health plans for 2014 coverage - with or without federal financial assistance - through March 31.

With new insurance in place, it is essential you ask your patients to provide you their carrier and plan information - from their insurance ID cards if possible - so you can properly process your claims. Please note: Connect for Health Colorado cannot process claims from providers. ALL CLAIMS MUST BE BILLED DIRECTLY TO THE APPROPRIATE INSURANCE COMPANY just as you’ve always done. Click here to view a list of carriers on the exchange website.

The American Medical Association has made available a toolkit to enable physicians and their staffs to learn how to use electronic health care transactions to help facilitate point-of-care pricing and improve cash flow. Click here to access the AMA Point-of-Care Pricing Toolkit. It will walk you through the process so your practice can start collecting from patients at the time of service. You can also learn more about electronic eligibility verification.

Connect for Health Colorado asks physicians to educate your patients on insurance options. You can order no-cost brochures and posters through their online store. Additionally, the Connect for Health Colorado website provides updates and information on deadlines and enrollment for your patients. The exchange’s customer service center is available to answer questions at 1-855-752-6749.



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