Colorado QPP Coalition

Monday, March 20, 2017 12:31 PM
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Developing resources and education for your MACRA success

In 2017 Medicare will roll out the most sweeping and complex change to the way it pays for physicians’ services since 1997. Through MACRA, Medicare’s fragmented approach to quality initiatives will be combined into a single Quality Payment Program (QPP) with two approaches: MIPS (Merit-Based Incentive Payment System) and APMs (Advanced Alternative Payment Models). These changes will accelerate Medicare’s move to payment for value rather than volume.

Regardless of political changes in Washington, D.C., the industry-wide effort to shift from volume- to value-based health care is moving forward. MACRA passed with bipartisan support, which reinforces the longevity of programs that are designed to help providers focus on patient care.

“The QPP is not just a change in payment,” said Mark Levine, MD, FACP, chief medical officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Denver, who participated in the first meeting of the Colorado QPP Coalition. “It is intended to align everyone in a common vision for the future of health care in America.”

To help prepare Colorado physicians and practices for this change, the Colorado Medical Society has joined a new coalition – the Colorado QPP Coalition – that will equip clinicians and their practice teams with the information and infrastructure they need to successfully test value-based reimbursement models by sharing resources and educational opportunities. Along with CMS, the Colorado QPP Coalition includes the Colorado Academy of Family Physicians, the Colorado Community Health Network, the Colorado Health Extension System, CORHIO, Colorado SIM and Telligen, among others. See the full list in the highlight box.

The coalition held a webinar on Feb. 16 on the basics of the Quality Payment Program, including the MIPS and APM tracks. This program included the support available to navigate and succeed in Medicare’s value based program. Panelists included Mark Levine, MD; Barbara Martin; Monica Morris, MD; and Kyle Knierim, MD.

A special website for the CO-QPP Coalition,, will serve as an information hub for the program and for education and coaching assistance for physician practices on the QPP. Watch for more from the Colorado QPP Coalition this spring and beyond.

Colorado QPP Coalition members
Aurora-Adams County Medical Society
Colorado Academy of Family Physicians
Colorado Community Health Network
Colorado Health Extension System
Colorado Medical Group Management Association
Colorado Medical Society
Colorado State Innovation Model Office
Denver Medical Society
Hilltop Family Physicians
Practice Innovation Program at the
Department of Family Medicine, University of Colorado
Region VIII Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

2017 Quality Payment Program Eligible Clinicians
Physician assistants
Nurse practitioners
Clinical nurse specialists
Certified registered nurse anesthetists



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