CMS board meets to review strategic plan

Thursday, January 23, 2014 02:58 PM
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The CMS Board of Directors met Jan. 17-18 for a weekend of business and strategy to guide the direction of the society. An in-depth report of the board’s recommended revisions to the strategic plan will be provided on when available and in the March/April issue of Colorado Medicine. In the meantime, click here to read a summary of an all-member survey and click here to read an environmental scan used by the board during the planning retreat. This scan is a “must read” for physicians who have leadership responsibility for the evolution of a practice.

During their regular meeting on Friday afternoon, the board discussed recommendations for addressing direct primary care medical homes and medical treatment guidelines for workers’ compensation, approved conflict of interest statements and standards of conduct for the Council on Legislation and the Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury Committee, and approved two rosters for two new committees.

Additionally, CMS President-elect Tamaan Osbourne-Roberts, MD, gave a preview of the upcoming Spring Conference; Michael Volz, MD, announced his intention to run for CMS President-elect; and CMS President John L. Bender, MD, shared the good news that CDPHE director Sue Birch has won the AMA’s Nathan Davis award for which CMS nominated her this fall.

Click here to read more about the Jan. 17-18 board meeting and strategic planning retreat.



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