Choosing Wisely Colorado

Friday, July 05, 2013 05:08 PM
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The Colorado Medical Society has enthusiastically embarked on the Choosing Wisely Colorado campaign. Choosing Wisely Colorado is a physician-centered statewide program designed to bring the national Choosing Wisely campaign closer to home. There is a nationwide call to reduce medically unnecessary health care in an effort to improve quality of care, reduce potential for avoidable patient harm, and to help control health care costs. Choosing Wisely Colorado will provide tools to assist physicians with the challenging patient conversations regarding discouraging medically unnecessary tests or procedures.

View our launch video featuring CMS President Jan Kief, MD

View a video that features Kim Warner, MD, president of the Colorado Section of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, discussing with a patient why average-risk women can have Pap tests on a three-year interval.


pink CWC balloon


purple CWC balloonIf you would like to become more involved with the efforts of Choosing Wisely Colorado please contact Chet Seward.



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