2018 CMS election results

Wednesday, September 05, 2018 01:58 PM
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Nomination period for 2019 election of CMS officers opens Jan. 1

Thank you to all the members who voted during the 2018 Colorado Medical Society election of officers. Thanks, also, to the physician-candidates for stepping up as leaders in the society.

David Markenson, MD, was elected CMS president-elect.

“This is both an exciting time and opportunity for the Colorado Medical Society,” Markenson wrote in his candidate statement. “Our society has embarked on a reorganization and structural change that is in my view groundbreaking amongst medical societies and exceptionally forward thinking. These changes have positioned our society to be better equipped to communicate with our members, hear grassroots ideas and feedback, and allow us to be nimble enough to address our members concerns and react to the ever and quickly changing health care landscape.”

“Of all these benefits to me, the truly special aspect is that our members can be confident that their voice will be heard and their concerns will be addressed by the society,” he continued. “I am truly excited and humbled for the opportunity to serve as your leader at the time when our society has changed in such a positive way. I feel my skill set and experiences will allow me to help as we continue to improve this new and vastly improved model for a medical society.”

And Katie Lozano, MD, FACR, and Lee Morgan, MD, were re-elected to the Colorado delegation to the American Medical Association.

“Effective work with and within the AMA is a long-term investment and I have invested many hours, days and years in both the AMA and CMS,” Lozano wrote in her candidate statement. “One of the strengths I will continue to bring to the Colorado delegation is broad networking contacts across the house of medicine in the AMA, given my partnership over years with physicians of all specialties when we worked together in the Young Physicians Section.”

“I have the leadership experience, the experience of listening to multiple points of view and helping forge consensus, as well as strong interest and concern about the issues that affect the practice of medicine today,” Morgan wrote in her candidate statement. “This last decade has been a time of many changes and challenges for physicians. It is more important now than ever that we work together as a cohesive force in organized medicine on a local, state and national level.”

Congratulations to these CMS leaders.

The nomination period for the 2019 CMS all-member election will open Jan. 1, 2019. The Colorado Medical Society asks all members to consider nominating a colleague or self-nominating for one of the open leadership positions: President-elect (one position open), AMA Delegates (four positions open) and AMA Alternate Delegates (four positions open).

The election guide, available here, provides important information on the duties, eligibility, terms of office and honorarium for each open position, as well as candidate requirements, campaign guidelines, election process and more. Potential nominees can review the position descriptions and qualifications for office starting on page three of the election guide and the candidate requirements on page five of the election guide. Please email CMS CEO Alfred Gilchrist at alfred_gilchrist@cms.org if you have additional questions.



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