Report from the 144th Annual Meeting

Friday, September 26, 2014 07:43 AM
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More than 200 physicians and medical students from around the state attended the 144th Colorado Medical Society Annual Meeting in Vail in September. “Carnival in the Mountains” featured fun and fellowship, interactive programming and education, and policy-making and elections.


  • The CMS Board of Directors met Friday afternoon to review the activities of CMS in fiscal year 2014-2015 and adopt a work plan that provides consensus on activities and allows the physician leadership and staff to hit the ground running following the Annual Meeting.
  • The House of Delegates convened to deliberate on four resolutions and set policy on governance, Medicaid specialty access, workers’ compensation innovation, telemedicine, and more.
  • The House of Delegates also elected new leaders and presented awards. They selected Michael Volz, MD, a board certified allergy/immunology specialist, to be CMS president-elect; re-elected Lee Morgan, MD, as delegate to the American Medical Association; and selected Katie Lozano, MD, as alternate delegate to the American Medical Association. Elisabeth Arenales, of the Colorado Center on Law and Policy, was honored with the Tip of the Spear Award for her work to create the Colorado Commission on Affordable Health Care.
  • Attendees participated in interactive sessions on scope of practice, the State Innovation Model, and physician wellness. Attendees enjoyed various social events including a Carnival-themed Exhibitors reception with live music, giveaways and a photo booth; and the President’s Gala, with dinner, dancing, entertainment, and the installation of 2014-2015 CMS President Tamaan Osbourne-Roberts, MD.

» Speaker slides are available on the Annual Meeting agenda page
» Business documents for the House of Delegates are available on the Annual Meeting business page (login required)

Watch for more extensive coverage of the meeting in the November/December issue of Colorado Medicine.

Posted in: ASAP


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