Free access to PainNet system for Colorado primary care providers

Wednesday, October 19, 2016 12:34 PM
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The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing has worked with the vendor of the Project ECHO Pain Management program, Community Health Center, to expand access to the program website known as PainNet. Current ECHO Pain participants have access to the website, which is an online learning community that aims to improve pain care expertise amongst primary care providers. The website is now available to other Health First Colorado’ (Colorado’s Medicaid Program) primary care medical providers (PCMP) for free as well.

The PainNet learning community enables PCMPs to develop expertise to treat patients with complex chronic pain through a combination of archived Project ECHO Pain case presentations, resource libraries, community forums and expert consultations. Providers and specialists are able to communicate through discussion boards, chat rooms and direct messaging.

This is a great chance for any provider who was unable to sign up for Project ECHO to access resources that can increase their knowledge on how to manage chronic pain more effectively. Click here for a flyer on PainNet. For any providers who would like to sign up for access please contact Agi Erickson at Other questions can be directed to

Posted in: ASAP | Practice Evolution | Practice Redesign | Practice Management


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