Call for stories: Raising the volume on oral health

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 10:33 AM
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Have you witnessed first-hand the connection of oral health to one’s overall health?

Colorado Medical Society is teaming up with Delta Dental of Colorado and a statewide coalition to better inform businesses, health professionals and the public about how closely connected oral health is to overall health. And we need your help!

If you have a story that demonstrates the connection of oral health to overall health, we’d love to consider including it in the #TeethMatter campaign. Please email for more information.

Did you know that a dentist or dental hygienist can spot early signs of 120 diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and several forms of cancer? Or that 90 percent of systemic diseases have symptoms in and around the mouth?

By taking care of your oral health, you can help prevent or better manage many serious chronic health conditions. And you can increase your chances of living a long, healthy and productive life.

Through the #TeethMatter campaign, we hope to encourage Coloradans to make regular visits to their dentist or dental hygienist and to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of oral health to us as individuals and as a society.

Our coalition includes dentists, family physicians, health foundations, business groups and many more.

If you are an employer, encourage your employees to see their dentist or dental hygienist regularly. If you are a medical institution, educate your health professionals on the connection between oral and overall health.

For more information, visit

Posted in: ASAP


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