Alert: Microsoft Internet Explorer security issue

Wednesday, May 07, 2014 03:35 PM
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Microsoft has identified a new vulnerability that affects Internet Explorer (IE) versions 6-11. In the short-term, the American Medical Association is advising individuals not to use IE on a regular basis. Other, free web browsers that are not affected by this exploit are available for download. 

For those who must use IE for payer communications, the AMA recommends running IE for only as long as necessary to perform the required exchange in data. As this vulnerability is exploited by convincing users to browse to unknown or other infected fake websites, continuing to use IE just to access a known payer’s website should minimize the potential for a security breach. 

Until Microsoft releases a fix for this issue, the AMA advises individuals to only use IE for payer communications and to exit out of IE at the end of each session. Please note that practices using Windows XP will not receive the IE fix when available, as Microsoft no longer supports Windows XP. 

Posted in: ASAP


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