This page contains an index to all policies of the Colorado Medical Society. The title of each major section is a clickable link to the related policies.
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100. Abortion
- 100.998 Termination of Pregnancy
- 100.999 Medical Treatment for Infants Born Alive During Induced Abortion
105. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- 105.994 Counseling and Testing of Pregnant Women for HIV
- 105.995 Needle Exchange Programs
- 105.996 Testing for AIDS
- 105.997 HIV Infection in Health Care Workers
- 105.998 School Attendance for Children with AIDS
- 105.999 Treatment of AIDS Patients
115. Alcohol and Alcoholism
- 115.997 Blood Alcohol Content Infraction
- 115.998 Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Blood Alcohol Level
- 115.999 Age Requirement for Purchase of Non-Alcoholic Beer
120. Children and Youth
- 120.993 Health School Lunch Pilot Programs
- 120.994 Mandated Physical Education in Public Schools
- 120.995 Physical and Healthy Nutrition Education in Schools
- 120.996 Religious Exemption to Child Medical Neglect
- 120.997 Confidential Health Services for Adolescents
- 120.998 School Bus Safety
- 120.999 School Children with Herpes
135. Continuing Medical Education
- 135.986 Mission Statement
- 135.987 Program of Recognized Intrastate CME Accreditor and CME Accredited Provider
- 135.988 Financial Support of Accreditation Program
- 135.989 Policies and Procedures
- 135.990 Educational Programs of Other Organizations
- 135.991 Endorsement of Outside Educational Programs
- 135.992 Committee on Professional Education and Accreditation
- 135.993 Access in Rural Communities
- 135.994 Liaisons With Other Organizations
- 135.995 Issuance of Credit
- 135.996 Educational Support Services
- 135.997 Voluntary Continuing Medical Education
- 135.998 Medical Education in Colorado
- 135.999 Tour/Travel Continuing Medical Education
145. Drug Abuse
- 145.993 Supervised consumption services to combat opioid overdose deaths
- 145.994 Public Health and Safety Challenges of Treating Chronic Pain: The Medical Perspective
- 145.995 Recreational Marijuana
- 145.996 Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy
- 145.997 Drug Abuse and Drug Testing in Youth Athletics
- 145.998 Use of Anabolic Steroids
- 145.999 Prevention of Abuse and Diversion of Prescription Drugs
150. Drugs: Advertising
- 150.998 Inappropriate Pharmacy Advertising
- 150.999 Oversight of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs
155. Drugs: Prescribing and Dispensing
- 155.990 Opioid Prescribing and Treatment Guidelines for Emergency Departments
- 155.991 Schedule II Controlled Substance Partial Fills
- 155.992 Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) Adjudication for Physician Dispensing
- 155.993 RX Data 2008
- 155.994 E-Prescribing of Controlled Substances
- 155.995 “Off Label” Prescribing of Medication
- 155.996 Inappropriate Use of Drug Enforcement Administration Number
- 155.997 Physician Dispensing of Drugs
- 155.999 Administration and Use of Prescription Drugs