Colorado Medical Society

Hickenlooper dedicates the new CMS Presidents’ Lounge

Thursday, January 09, 2014 04:39 PM

Hickenlooper dedication

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper dedicated the new Presidents’ Lounge at the Colorado Medical Society headquarters on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2014, surrounded by past, current and future CMS presidents. From left to right, President-elect Tamaan Osbourne-Roberts, MD; Alethia (Lee) E Morgan, MD; Ben Vernon, MD; Rick May, MD; Gov. John Hickenlooper; Dave Downs, MD; and CMS President John L. Bender, MD.

Below were his words.

“It is my honor to dedicate this space for the important purpose of bringing together health policy experts, not just from this state but even around the country, to make sure that we have an informal setting focused on solving problems rather than laying blame, a time-honored tradition of this medical society of which you are all members.

“This will be a room for great ideas and deep thought.

“It is a privilege and honor to work with this venerable profession and this highly regarded medical society.

“You and your colleagues see more suffering and take care of more of our fellow Coloradans than elected people like me could do in a lifetime, and for that we are deeply grateful.

“Let this room from this day forward be a place where participants further your cause, your goals, your mission.”